A Diverse Supply Chain with Domestic Initiatives Means...
VA Governor
Glenn Youngkin
“PRINCO LLC’s new manufacturing facility in the City of Norfolk will benefit from the region’s outstanding logistical advantages, skilled workforce, and diverse ecosystem of suppliers, innovators, and customers. It is a blueprint for future investment in Virginia.”
DeRoyal CEO and President
Brian DeBusk
“The idea was conceived that we would reach out to a number of Premier members, bring them on as investors in our organization, and stand up a US based AAMI Level 2 Isolation Gown plant using US equipment, US employees, and even US sourced material. This plant today, as is, can produce 25 million AAMI Level 2 Isolation Gowns per year. In this project you’re really competing against at least an entire country if not an entire region of the world to ensure we can make the right product at the right price and secure supply chain… This is a very exciting day on behalf of DeRoyal, Premier, and our 34 hospital member investors. Thank you all!”
These PremierPro® products are currently manufactured in the USA with domestic and foreign materials.